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Determine the Reason for Pod Failure

  • kubectl get pod marketing-85bbcc5c58-97wz5 --output=yaml -n appcket

Api/Accounts integration

If receive error "can't read grant of undefined" or "wrong iss" when issuing a graphql command in Postman/Insomnia

Make sure all the items in the keycloak config are correct for each environment (realm-public-key, etc). To get the api client public key, go to the Appcket Realm settings, click on Keys tab, and then click the Public Keys button in the RS256 row. A dialog will pop up that you can copy from.

Make sure the auth-server-url in Keycloak config matches the accounts server url (.localhost instead of .com) by setting the appropriate NODE_ENV variable: NODE_ENV=development or NODE_ENV=production, etc. otherwise you will get Access Denied, (wrong iss) error in grant-manager.js.

Put a breakpoint in validateToken() method of api/node_modules/keycloak-connect/middleware/auth-utils/grant-manager.js to step through the possible reasons why the token could be bad.


See the current running config

kubectl get configmap -n kube-system coredns -o yaml


kubectl describe cm coredns -n kube-system

This will allow you to see what the k8s coredns config is and let you troubleshoot any connectivity issues between the api and accounts services.

SSL Errors or Unable to reach an app in the browser unexpectedly (ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED)

The istio-ingressgateway pod and your application pods might need to be restarted:

kubectl scale deployment istio-ingressgateway --replicas=0 -n istio-system
kubectl scale deployment istio-ingressgateway --replicas=1 -n istio-system
cd ./deployment

See this GH issue for more info.


Postgres Database Notes

Make a backup of the keycloak (accounts) and api schemas

exec into the database container and run commands:

docker exec -it appcket-database-1 bash
cd /tmp
pg_dump --verbose --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=dbuser --format=c -n "appcket" -n "keycloak" appcket > appcket_keycloak.backup

To get a plaintext dump run


    pg_dump --verbose --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=dbuser --inserts -n "appcket" appcket > appcket_dump.sql


    pg_dump --verbose --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=dbuser --inserts -n "keycloak" appcket > keycloak_dump.sql

The backup should now be on your host filesystem in deployment/environment/local/api_public_dump.backup

If you need to restore a .backup file for postgres: pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U dbuser -d appcket api_public_dump.backup

Setup Appcket Realm in Keycloak

  1. Login to the accounts admin: https://accounts.appcket.localhost/auth/admin/

  2. Hover over the Master realm name in the top left, and select Add Realm

  3. Import the Appcket realm starter data by clicking Select File

  4. Import the deployment/environment/local/realm-export.json file and click Create

  5. Create a Kubernetes secret for the Keycloak api client secret (You need to perform this step once you have your keycloak instance running, otherwise the api container will not start properly). Change the actual clientsecret value to the value of your api client secret found in the Keycloak admin ui at: Clients -> appcket_api -> Credentials -> Client Id and Secret -> Regenerate Secret)

    kubectl create secret generic api-keycloak-client-secret --from-literal=clientsecret=Your-Api-Client-Secret-From-Keycloak -n appcket

Accounts (Keycloak) Admin Setup

It is recommended to automate the following steps by performing the above setup process. Only perform the below steps if you want to setup a new Keycloak realm from scratch. You can either setup the Realm, Roles, Permissions, etc. manually using the instructions below, or you can import the deployment/environment/local/realm-export.json file above to get started faster. Just login to Keycloak as the admin and go to Add Realm and click the import button to select the file.

Create your users as needed.

Login to local Keycloak instance as the admin user, https://accounts.appcket.localhost

Create a new realm: appcket

In Realm Settings -> General, set the Frontend URL to the kubernetes pod name and port: https://accounts.appcket.localhost/auth This is needed so the issuer is not invalid when checking the Bearer token received by the front and app during the check entitlements POST request process on the api side. See

Create two clients in keycloak admin area under the realm you just created


Access Type = public
Root URL = http://app.appcket.localhost
Valid Redirect URLS = http://app.appcket.localhost/*, https://appcket.localhost
Base URL = /
Web Origins = http://app.appcket.localhost
Advanced Settings
- Acess token lifespan, 8 hours
Authentication Flow Overrides: (???)
- Browser Flow -> browser
- Direct Grant Flow -> direct grant


Access Type = confidential
Authorization enabled = On

Get the appcket_api Client Secret (Appcket realm, appcket_api client, Credentials tab) and add it as the KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET env var in the api.yaml Istio resource manifest

Get the appcket_api Client Public Key (go to the appcket Realm settings, click on Keys tab, and then click the Public Keys button in the RS256 row. A dialog will pop up that you can copy from) and add it as the KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY env var in the api.yaml Istio resource manifest. Make sure this value is set in the keycloak config for the 'realm-public-key' value.

Verify Audience

For a higher level of security on your Keycloak instance, you will want to verify the audience when validating a token on the appcket_api side. To do this, make sure verify-token-audience: true in your appcket_api keycloak config setup in app.module.ts.

Then, create a new Protocol Mapper in the appcket_app client as described below.

1. In the appcket_app client, click on Mappers tab and Create button
1. Name: Audience for appcket_app
1. Type: Audience
1. Included Client Audience: appcket_api <--- important, make sure to select the api client and not app here
1. Add to access token: On

See Keycloak documentation for more information:

Setting up roles and permissions for use in Appcket based system

Precondition: have a client created for each microservice needed for your application, ie: appcket_api. All the authorization/permissions will be applied per service (client in keycloak terminology) since each microservice has different authorization needs.

Have users already created (in the new realm you previously created) that you can add to various roles.

Add Roles

1. Login to keycloak admin console
1. Select the desired realm
1. Go to Roles
1. Add roles as needed (User, Customer, Employee, Manager, Captain, Teammate, Spectator etc)
1. Set Permissions to Enabled
1. Add users to role(s) as needed

Add Resources

1. Add resources that map to your application needs:
* Resource name: Task (for multi-word resources, capitalize camel case, no spaces: "MyResource" instead of "My Resource")

You can use the admin console (GUI) to add resources, or POST to the Protection API* `resource_set` endpoint /auth/realms/${realm_name}/authz/protection/resource_set
See for more information.

* You will need a valid [Protection API Token - PAT]( in order to use the Protection API.

Use Postman or Insomnia client to interact with REST Protection API

Add Authorization Scopes

Protection API:
PUT endpoint https://accounts.appcket.localhost/auth/realms/${realm_name}/authz/protection/resource_set/{resource_id}
JSON Body:
"_id": "Task",
"resource_scopes": [

Admin Console - GUI
1. Navigate to the desired service client (api for example) from precondition above and click on Authorization tab
1. Click Authorization Scopes tab
1. Add new auth scopes that your application needs (usually these are just CRUD-type actions), ie: project:read, project:create, project:update
* Informational: associated permissions for these scopes (created in step below) would be as follows: Read Project Permission, Create Project Permission, Edit Project Permission
* As a matter of preference and choosing a standard, use camelCase resource names (myResource instead of my_resource)
* i.e.

Associate Resources with Authorization Scopes

Admin Console - GUI
1. Click back into each resource, and add the associated scopes. ex: MyResource will have the following scopes: MyResource:create, MyResource:update, MyResource:read, MyResource:delete

Add Policies

1. Click Policies tab
1. Create new "role" based policies that map to roles, ie:
- "Role" Policy -> "user" role
- Manager Policy -> Manager role
- Captain Policy -> Captain role
- etc.
1. Name: Captain Role Policy
1. Required: unchecked
1. Realm Role: select associated role
1. Clients: don't need to set
1. Logic: Positive


This is where it all comes together.

1. Click Permissions tab
1. Create "scope" based permissions
* Name: Create Team Permission
* Description: don't need to set, since the name implies what the permission is for
* Resource: select the applicable resource created from above: Team
* Scopes: select the applicable scope(s) created from above: team:create
* Apply policy: add all the the policies (roles) to which this permission should apply: Admin, User, Employee, Customer, Manager, Captain etc.
* Decision strategy: Affirmative

Organization Read Permission
Organization Create Permission
Organization Update Permission
Organization Delete Permission

Team Read Permission
Team Create Permission
Team Update Permission
Team Delete Permission

Task Read Permission
Task Create Permission
Task Update Permission
Task Delete Permission

Test permission in Evaluate tab

Use the Evaluate tab to test permissions against certain roles

Get a Bearer Token to test api endpoints

Setup environment variables in Insomnia and POST to the openid-connect token endpoint for the accounts server

curl --request POST \
--url https://accounts.appcket.localhost/auth/realms/appcket/protocol/openid-connect/token \
--header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data client_id=appcket_api \
--data grant_type=password \
--data client_secret=clientsecretid \
--data scope=openid \
--data username=yourusername \
--data password=yourpasswordforusername

Docker Desktop Kubernetes Upgrade

When Kubernetes gets upgraded, the namespace, secrets and coredns configmap may get deleted or reset. You will need to manually recreate these. Replace variables below with your own values, similar to when running

  1. kubectl delete configmap coredns -n kube-system
  2. kubectl create namespace ${PROJECT_MACHINE_NAME}
  3. kubectl create secret generic database-secret --from-literal=user=dbuser --from-literal=password=${DATABASE_PASSWORD} -n ${PROJECT_MACHINE_NAME}
  4. kubectl create secret generic accounts-secret --from-literal=adminuser=admin --from-literal=adminpassword=${DATABASE_PASSWORD} -n ${PROJECT_MACHINE_NAME} 1.kubectl create secret generic api-keycloak-client-secret --from-literal=clientsecret=${API_CLIENT_KEYCLOAK_SECRET} -n ${PROJECT_MACHINE_NAME}